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Q. We have a Faculty Senate. Why do we need an AAUP Advocacy Chapter?

A. Faculty Senate is a part of “shared governance” at the college. An AAUP chapter is an independent faculty organization that is beholden to no person and no other entity; it is beholden to the principles and standards of the profession such as academic freedom, shared governance, etc.

An AAUP advocacy chapter can organize faculty.

The main principle behind successful organizing, and behind the formation of AAUP chapters, is collective action. When faculty speak and act with one voice, they demonstrate a large-scale commitment to the issues around which they organize. Effective organizing results in more equitable handbook and contract language, more robust shared governance, and better educational policies.


Q. Could AAUP membership negatively impact our evaluations or reputation on campus?

A. The membership roster of AAUP is known only to AAUP officers and the membership committee chair. People can share their membership status but your membership status is not public information.